To promote an understanding of the Jewishness of the Scriptures which were written by Jewish men, about the Jewish Messiah, within the context of first century Jewish culture in Israel.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reminder of the Pesach SuperMoon

Just a quick post to remind everyone of the Super Moon on Pesach (Passover), Monday, April 18.

A Lunar Perigee, is when a new or full moon is at 90% of its closest distance to earth. However, a SuperMoon is when the moon is full or new, and is at its 100% closest distance to earth.
This will be the third Super Moon in the same number of months.   The first being in February, the second occurred in March on the Jewish holiday of Purim.  This third SuperMoon will fall on Pesach (Passover), one of the most important feasts on the Jewish calender.

Anytime an celestial event occurrs on one of the Jewish holidays, it was usually coincided with a major world event.  The SuperMoon on March 19 brought us a war with Libya.

So have a great Pesach celebration, and take a minute to peek outside to see one of the 'signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars' that Yeshua said would precede His return to rescue His people.

Chag Shamach!

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