To promote an understanding of the Jewishness of the Scriptures which were written by Jewish men, about the Jewish Messiah, within the context of first century Jewish culture in Israel.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Feast of Our First Fruits

Over two thousand years ago, on a particular Sfirat Haomer, or Feast of First Fruits, all time and eternity was changed forever.  Because it was on the third day that Messiah Yeshua rose from the dead as the First Fruits of the resurrection. 

On that third day of Passover, on the Feast of First Fruits, the Jews had a thanksgiving celebration to the Lord for the early harvest.  The people would bring a barley offering called the Omer, or sheaf.  The priest were to wave the sheaf before the Lord as a first fruits offering that would allow for the consumption of the recently-harvested grains.

There was a first century Jewish idiom said 'if God has been faithful to bless us with this early harvest, He will most certainly provide the latter harvest.'

Indeed He has.  Because Adonai has given Yeshua as the First Fruits of the resurrection, He most will most certainly come for His own as the latter harvest.  It is in this truth that we place our hope.

Until He comes,

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